Word is that there are several...maybe hundreds...of icebergs headed toward the coast of New Zealand! They have broken free from the polar ice and are being carried by the current to a place they ought not be going. Further evidence of global climate change, for sure.
Imagine the following conversation:
She (as breakfast is being prepared for the both of them): What does the weather look like today?
He: (smelling the brewing coffee and looking out the back door window): Well, it looks like a fine day out there. The view down the hill is clear today.
She: (taking her first sip of that coffee and beginning to really wake up): Can you see the beach?
He: (accepting from her his morning cup of joe): Sure can. Looks like a good day for a swim, maybe. (Pause.) Holy New Zealand Cow!
She: What? What is it? Are you alright?
He: There are icebergs out there! Icebergs! Dozens of them! Oh man, one just destroyed Johnson's fishing boat!
She: Take a drink of your coffee and wipe the sleep from your eyes. You're seeing things.
As for me, here in Central Indiana, for the first time in my life, I am thankful I don't live near a beach!!!