All around the big, big world (see the cow above for a picture of our big, big world) we all experience life differently. Young and old, male and female, haves and have-nots, northerners and southerners, easterners and westerners, me and you.
And one thing we all experience differently is time. We all have sixty minutes in every hour, and twenty-four hours in every day, and three hundred sixty-five (and 1/4 or in that leap year thing three hundred sixty-six) days in every year. But how we experience time is so very different.
And how we make use of time is so very different. I want to make the best use of my time, probably you do, too. However, I don't want to be a slave to time, probably you don't, either.
Here's a little contemplative routine that might help us work at making the way we experience time a bit more pleasant and productive. These questions are part of the spiritual discipline known as "Examen" as practiced by the Jesuits.
In a place of solitude and silence, ask yourself:
1) For what moment today am I most grateful?
2) For what moment today am I least grateful?
3) In what moments did I sense God's presence around me and in me?
4) In what moments did I fail to love?
Here's to a better use of the time that we have been given.