Monday, March 17, 2014

Hope Springs Eternal

Probably most of us remember this scene from the great movie, "Field of Dreams:"  The old timers discovering the current-day baseball field on the edge of a corn field in Iowa.

If you are a baseball fan that movie was a wonderful way to spend a couple hours. 

That scene always reminds me of how nice it is to know that right about this time of year "The Boys of Summer" will be arriving at their home ball parks having spent a month in either Florida (The Grapefruit League) or Arizona (The Cactus League) getting in shape in Spring Training camps.

When "The Boys of Summer" break Spring Training camp and head to the cities they will call home for the next 6 to 7 months it is an annual visible reminder that hope springs eternal...that there is always another chance...that some year will be the wait-til-next-year year that you've been waiting for.

Hope springs do not, do not give up your hopes.  It just could be that hope is the strongest motivator there is.

There is always another chance...maybe not exactly the chance you would design if you had your druthers, but don't turn your nose up at the second chance that presents itself.

Wait til next year...every next year, next day, next moment, next opportunity, next relationship is an opportunity to do better, to get it right, to come out on top.  Expect what comes next to be great and maybe it will be.

And, make it a point to go see a baseball game this year:  A Major League game, a Minor League game, a College game, a High School game, a Little League game.