Monday, May 28, 2018

If We Dared To...

It's amazing what we men and women will do if someone dares us to do it.
I have done my share of silly...and stupid...stuff just because someone dared me to do it. My guess is that you have, too.

Do you remember that iconic Flagpole scene in the movie "A Christmas Story"?
The scene where Schwartz dares Flick to stick his tongue on an ice-cold metal flag pole?
Schwartz eventually says to Flick: I triple-dog-dare ya! we know...Flick can't back down for the dare...issued in public...and this is the result:

But there are other...better...things we can do on a dare...
If we dared to, we could start telling ourselves a new life-story.

If we dared to, we could dream big. 
If we dared to, we could include all-I-need-to-do-this-is-already-within-me in our dream.

If we dared to, we could stop blaming people, places, and things
 for the sad state of affairs we think we’re stuck with.

If we dared to, we could stop waiting 
for something, or someone to rescue us.
If we dared to, we could live a life wherein we are the people who overcome...
where we are the victors…not the victims.

If we dared to, we could be amazed by what we have already done…
by how far we have already come, and then we could just keep going.
..Tomorrow...And the next day...And the day after that...Every day.  

If we dared to, we could tell ourselves we are courageous enough…powerful enough…
to make a difference...a positive difference...Here and Now.

If we dared to, we could realize that we can’t make important contributions to the important
 conversations about:
Human Rights,
Racial Justice,
Marriage Equality,
Gun Rights, Gun Laws, and Gun Regulations,
Wealth and Wage Distribution,
The Terrible Cycle of Poverty that Destroys Too Many in Our World,
How best to pull off that Treat-Others-the-Way-You-Want-Others-to-Treat-You thing.

If we dared to, we could stop believing we are broken, or fallen, or flawed.

If we dared to, we could think a good thought, and move on…
and keep moving on.

And if you need a little nudge to do these things...
I Triple-Dog-Dare-Ya!