Monday, July 29, 2019

Random Thoughts on Life

Ah yes, The Meaning of Life.

A noble quest…

A daunting task…

Certainly The Meaning of Life

has to be more than

all we are chasing and

all that’s chasing us.

It’s not about bombast and lies…

What it's about is character and values.

It’s not about fomenting fear and division…

What it's about is recognizing 

diversity and community as strengths

The Meaning of Life is certainly

not how we look or

what we own or

what we know.

According to the wisdom 
of persons
we consider the great

teachers and sages of 
both then and now…

The Meaning of Life 
just could be about

The person I am becoming and

The people all of us together
 are becoming…
 The Oneness we all participate in…
 practicing the essence of love
 that is within us…
 recognizing the soul that 
Our Creator has placed within us…

Each and All.

Life is tough…so

Lean on people when you need to…

Accept who you are but
 don’t be afraid to change…

Dwell on the positive and
 do not shy away from risk.

Life is complicated…so

Let joy take the lead, not fear…

Do not confuse making a living
 with making a life…

See The Light in yourself 
and in others.

Always remember that

The only thing about faith that matters
 is that it finds expression thru love…

The healthiest thing you can do every
day is stay in touch with your soul…

The room you leave for surprises 
is the room you have to grow in.

Life is tough…
Life is complicated…
Grace is amazing…

And Grace always bats last!

Life is long or life is short…

Time passes…

Clocks and Calendars keep 
on turning.

Relationships and Experiences

come and go, or

come and stay.

Time, Relationships, and Experiences

can be important and 
full of meaning, or

they can be empty and meaningless.

Life can be dark or full of light, or

more likely intermittent 
periods of shade and shadow

and then brief and bright 
bursts of clarity.

Be awake…

Be aware…

Be open…

And pay very close attention.

What you make of

Time, Relationships, and Experiences

is very important…

maybe the most important thing.

Some days we are afraid…

and wish it were not so.

Some days we have doubts…

and wish they could be put to rest.

When we are honest with ourselves, 
we know that we are not really free…

and wish all the chains that hold us 
could be broken.

And yet…

In our fears and doubts…

in our lack of total freedom…

A Presence walks with us…

comforts us…

understands us…

offers us peace and grace.

We are thankful that The Presence 
is as close as the air we breathe…

as real as the life we live.

We know that
We have failed at loving and living…

Our hands are not clean…

nor are our hearts.

And yet…

In our failings, and in our uncleanness…

A Presence walks with us…

comforts us…

understands us…

offers us peace and grace. 

We are thankful that The Presence 
is as close as the air we breathe…

as real as the life we live.

And Life goes on...
And it does have meaning.