Monday, August 24, 2009

The Wisdom of Other People

There are times, fewer and fewer as I hopefully age to a more graceful human being, when I get to thinking that what I think, what I believe, what I say, and what I preach on Sunday mornings is real wisdom. Good wisdom. The best wisdom. The wisest wisdom-stuff that could be thought, believed, spoken or preached.
My wisdom is better than your wisdom. Mine is wisdom, yours is foolishness. How crazy is that? Very crazy. And very wrong.
I was this morning contemplating some posts on FaceBook and wondered how some of my FB friends could be so un-wise in their thinking, believing and posting.
And then I took a break to check out a great blog-site that a friend electronically pens rather regularly. (You should check it out at My friend's blog contained some real wisdom...sprinkled in with ample doses of sarcasm and humor. So there is at least one other person out there who has some wisdom to share. And if I were to look around a bit longer and wider I would no doubt find many, many others who have wisdom to share...even with me.
I remember hearing a program speaker say some years ago: "Everyone knows something you don't know...and their voice must be heard." That woman was a wise speaker.

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