Its just about time for Santa to do his thing again this year. Several years ago my daughter told "the man with all the toys" (to quote a Beach Boys' lyric) what she would like him to bring her for Christmas. And we prepared for an expected Christmas-Eve visit. We did our part to make Santa feel welcome when he brought those items that had been requested. We set out hot chocolate and home-made sugar cookies. And, my daughter wrote Santa a note. The note said "Thank you" for the gifts that would be placed under the tree and it also asked this question: "Are you right-handed or left-handed?" I'm not sure why that was important to my daughter, but that was the question. You would want to know that Santa answered that question to my daughter's satisfaction.
In the church, over the past four Sundays, we have been preparing for Christmas 2010. We have invited ourselves to look forward to the annual arrival of the incarnation of Love, and Joy, and Hope, and Peace. It occurs to me that a note could be left at the church after the 11:00 p.m. Christmas Eve worship service that might offer a "Thank you" to God for the Gift and the gifts we know God has and will bring our way. Maybe we could also ask God to answer a question...not which-handed God is, but maybe something like "Why would you do this wonderful thing for us every year?" Or, maybe "Is there something you would like us to do in return for all you have done for us?"
That could prove interesting.