Ever get the feeling that you had been asked (called, prevailed upon, singled out, required) to do something you (1) didn't feel adequate to do, and/or (2) thought somebody else could do better? Yeah, me too.
Maybe, though, I am up to the task. Maybe I should get past that first-blush objection. Maybe I really do have the skill, the energy, the tenacity, the deep-down ability to do this thing! There are other things I have done that are something like what I'm being asked to do now...maybe I can recall how I accomplished those jobs and make some application here.
And, I have friends! Maybe I could call in a few or many of them to consult with me on what looms ahead. Maybe one or more of them could actually offer expert instruction. Or, maybe one of them could give me a really inspiring pep-talk about how I can do this thing...and do it well, in fact!
Maybe, come to find out, I am the only person who can do what is being asked of me. Maybe the work is so personal that I alone can accomplish it. Maybe God, or the Fates, or my family, or my community sees in me something worthy of this calling that has been foisted upon me.
Maybe its just you-n-me, God. Maybe its best if I just stop thinking about it, worrying about it, stalling around...and get to it! If I don't get to it now, who knows, lightning may not strike here again!