Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I Don't Know the Answer, but I Am Willing to Guess...

I read several blogs...mostly those of folks I know, friends. Mike Mather is someone I know, a friend, and in his blog recently he posed this question: What Get's God Pissed Off? (To see how Mike answered that question you can go to his blog, "bibfeldt's inquiry.")

I wonder if God is distressed when I give up the quest to become the best "me" I can become. If so, I have honked God off many, many times!
Quitting is easier than continuing on.
Giving up is easier than giving my all.
Going back is easier than moving ahead.
The good old days are safer than the unknown future.
Doing the same-old same-old is easier than seeking a whole new future.
As a recent best-selling book pointed out "Good is the enemy of Best." And so, I settle...I settle for less than I could become. I settle for what is instead of striving for what could be.

I don't know the answer to Mike's really good question...but I am willing to guess that I have disappointed family, friends, colleagues, and maybe even God when I sell out to what is instead of continuing the search for what could be.

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