Friday, September 30, 2011


I follow the New York Yankees' scores. I follow the Notre Dame football and basketball team scores.
I follow about a half-dozen bloggers' posts.
I follow traffic laws...mostly; that speed-limit thing on the open road not so much sometimes.
I follow several TV shows..."Hawaii 5-0", "Breaking Bad", and "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" are the current biggies for me.
If I am reduced to having to read them, I follow written instructions as best I can.

I do not folow anyone on Twitter, although I do follow the posts of many friends and family members on FaceBook.
Sometimes actually following...not merely virtually kinda tricky. Tricky in the sense that to really follow someone (like the picture above suggests) means knowing and understanding (as best one can) the person you are following; tricky in the sense that to really follow someone may just get you to places and positions you would never have thought possible; tricky in the sense that to really follow someone may call forth more humility than you thought you could exercise.
Well, happy following! Make sure, of course, that who you choose to follow is worthy of your time, and trust, and energy.

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