Sunday, November 13, 2011

The End of the Line

Who knows when any of us will reach the end of the line? No one, that's who? The big "end of the line," I mean. You know: That's all there is, there ain't no more...Its all over, but the shoutin'...No more tomorrows.
I am headed toward 67, and I don't expect to reach the end of the line anytime soon. But I don't know that for sure. Nobody knows that for sure, about me or about anyone else.
So, since I have an unknown amount of time left, it would seem wise that I use that time in ways that move me forward, not backward; that move me in constructive ways, not destructive ways; that lead upward and not downward.
I've run into some dead-ends in my time, haven't you? Sure you have! But dead-ends aren't the end of the line...dead ends are simply invitations to try new directions.
I've failed in my time. Many, many times. Everyone has. But failures aren't the end of the line...failures are simply (even if they really hurt at the time) evidence that you have made attempts and learned from them.
I've lost my way once or twice in my time. I am tempted to think I am not alone in this. But being lost is not the end of the line...being lost may mean setting a new destination, it may mean asking some one or some power to light the path for you, or it may mean retracing your steps until you come to a previous location that is familiar and trustworthy.
And so, since I have not yet reached the end of the line, I want to point out the wisdom of the "word art" picture that is a part of the blog-post: There is always (so long as I am on this side of whatever comes after this life) a way forward. Always. A. Way. Forward. Of course, I will have to seek out that Way and then determine to follow it, as best I can.
And, sometimes I may have to blaze that way forward by myself. Being afraid of going it alone, will not work. Setting off on the way forward can be a solo effort.
But, hey, its not the end of the line! So, there is that.

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