Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Biggest Risk Ever...

I'm not sure I could name the biggest risk I ever took. Not sure I could get it down to just one risk. I think I would have to break it down by category. You know, stuff like: My biggest physical risk; My biggest financial risk; my biggest relationship risk; my biggest professional/job risk; my biggest educational risk; etc.

I used to enjoy playing the board game "Risk" with my sons. It is, as you probably know, a game of world-domination. The object is to aquire territory, defend it against attack; aquire more territory, defend it against attack; and eventualy, hopefully...through strength and luck...control enough territory to rule the entire world!
There's nothing like the feeling you get when control the world!

I wonder which involves the greater risk: exercising strength and luck to gain control (of the world, or anything else), or exercising whatever it takes to remain in control (of the world, or anything else). However, you name it and someone for sure wants to control it...and will for sure take the risk of gaining control of it.

Strange things: control and risk. Probably best to limit the damage that can be done by either or both in our lives. Or, if you prefer, roll the dice.

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