Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Dang! Missed the Boat Again...

I am not sure how many times I have missed the boat. (I have actually been in...or is it "on"...boats a very few times: Probably a dozen or less times in a row boat; maybe a bit more than that in a canoe [a canoe is a boat, right...I mean, not its own class of watercraft or something]; once on a cruise ship; once on a friend's sail boat; and once, for not a very long period of time before it sank, on a boat that my friend, Harold, and I built one summer in Lydick...at Chain-O-Lakes Conservation Club.)
And I remember one time in a row boat, with friend John Wolff, at Camp Woodlake Boy Scout Camp, when we were (in an attempt to earn our boating merit badges) told to take the boat out to the middle of the lake, capsize it...which is a fancy, and sterile, way of saying "turn-over, on-purpose, a perfectly good row boat!"...and swim back to shore. It wasn't bad, really. The boat stayed afloat because it had air-bladders at either end of the thing, and the lake water was warm and calm for swimming.
However! However, there were big ol' blood-sucking leeches in that lake! And when John and I emerged on shore we had several of them attached firmly to our bodies! Do you know the way that leeches are most often removed from an unwanted host? Yeah, well, that's a whole other, mature-rated, blog-posting.

That's not what I wanted to write about today. I have missed the boat, again!

I missed the boat when they were passing out superior athletic ability.
I received two left feet when they were passing out dancing shoes.
I didn't get a hula-hoop until the fad was at least several months old.
I never bought a pet-rock.
I've purchased Chia-Pets as gag gifts for my son, but I never owned one myself.
All the new-to-the-market, really great golf clubs I own I purchased after seeing that my buddies were doing well using them.

And now...now I am red-faced in admitting that once again I have missed the boat: In attempting to be of help in "jumping" a dead car battery today, I tried to find the battery in the host car, but failed. The owner of this new vehicle did not know where the battery was either (I could not find it under the hood...where it belongs!). On-line I discovered that the battery of a Buick Enclave is located in a compartment under the carpet, behind the driver's seat. I thought I was back working on my 1969 VW Beetle! Why? Why GM, would you do that...to me!?!
The boat always sails without me!

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