Sunday, February 24, 2013

Hey, What's Behind that Door Over There?

How curious are you?  Curiosity killed the cat, of course.  Too bad for that cat. 

Albert Einstein said, "Curiosity has its own reason for existing."  He also said, "Never lose a holy curiosity."  Maybe that cat had an unholy couriosity.  Who knows.

Walt Disney said this: "We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths."  Maybe that cat went down the wrong path.  You think?

According to Graham Swift, "People die when curiosity goes."  So maybe that's it, huh...cats and people are different.  That cat was done in by curiosity; I will be done in when I am no longer curious.

Hey, what's behind that door over there?
Are you curious?
What would it take for you to open that door and walk through it?

It sorta looks like there is a big cliff-type drop-off behind that door, doesn't it?  Sorta looks like that door might be sitting on a cliff overlooking the ocean.

Everything you know up to now is on this side of that door.  On the other side, you could find more things to know than are knowable now.  You may not even understand many of the things beyond that door.  (Not that you've understood all that many things on this side!)

Its relatively safe on this side of that door.  I mean, you are alive up til now, right?  Mostly unscathed.  On the other side of that door, well, don't forget about that cat.

Everyone you know, every relationship you enjoy, is on this side of that door.  If you open it up and walk through, it just might close behind you and you would have to start all over in the love and relationship areas.  You might do worse on the other side than you have done on this side.  Or better.  No guarantees.

Your religious faith in God is pretty much solid on this side of that door over there.  You have questions and doubts, of course, but when push-comes-to-shove you pretty much have it together in the Almighty department.  If you understand God thru Jesus, or thru the Tao Te Ching, or thru Buddha, or thru Muhammad, or thru the Bhagavad-Gita...or in some other way...on this side, its all pretty clear.  To you, at least.  And that's the only person it needs to matter to, right?  On the other side of that door, if you dare open it up and walk thru, the faith-view you hold now could be stood on its head.  Truth on this side could be falsehood on the other side.  Or not.  Nothing is for sure, is it?

Well, how curious are you?  You're not a cat, you know.  And probably its true that people die when curiosity goes.

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