Wednesday, March 20, 2013

I Have No Idea...

I have been to elementary school (Lydick Elementary), high school (New Carlisle High School), college (I.U. South Bend, El Camino College, Cerritos Junior College, Indiana Central College), and graduate school (Christian Theological Seminary).  I have served as an adjunct professor for Vincennes University (teaching courses near Ft. Benjamin Harrison on Indy's east side).  So, I got me some book learnin'.

I have been exposed to some great ideas by some very smart teachers and professors.  And colleagues.  And friends.  And family.

But there are some things that I have no idea about:
-I have no idea how it is that every time my car gets washed, it rains.
-I have no idea why it is necessary for me to "spring forward" and "fall back" every year.
-I have no idea why violence is so easy and so easily resorted to, and peace is so hard and hardly ever resorted to.
-I have no idea why all the dumb "reality shows" on TV aren't relegated to something called "The Reality Channel" so I can delete it from my TV's remote control memory.
-I have no idea why the folks at "Westboro Baptist Church" can even claim the name "church."

And, I have no idea why the kind of stuff depicted in the picture below proliferates and is popular...but goodness knows, it does and it is.

We could write some other "I have no idea why's" and put them in the mouth of Jesus.  Fairly easily, I think.  Let's see how it might work.  Here goes:

-"I have no idea why they turned me into a religion either."
-"I have no idea why people think I am the only image of God either."
-"I have no idea why churches make creeds and confessions-of-faith so all-fire important either."
-"I have no idea why folks make up such fanciful and even unbelievable tales about me either."
-"I have no idea why some really silly and hurtful ideas are made to look like they came from me either."
-"I have no idea why sports fans or athletes think I supernaturally participate in the outcome of their games either."
-"I have no idea why people think I take sides in wars either."
-"I have no idea why the Red Sox traded Babe Ruth to the Yankees either."

OK, so the last one is probably the least believable...but who knows.

It was a fun exercise, I hope.  Did you get to laugh a bit at some of the religious silliness of our time, or of any time?  Were you able to exorcise a few demons?  Demolish a couple of sacred cows?  Stake out your own faith-turf with a wee bit more clarity? 

I have no idea what this blog will tackle next...

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