Monday, April 8, 2013

I Don't...

I used to run.

I did not keep track of and certainly cannot remember the number of 5K and 10K races I ran.  Certainly, most of them were run in central and southern Indiana, but a couple or three were run in Kentucky, and I even traveled to Window Rock, Arizona to run in (what was then called) the Washington Pass Classic.  I was in the "Run with the Bats" 10K once...a portion of the race course led through Marengo Cave...that was pretty cool. I wasn't an overly good runner, I just enjoyed the experience...the crowds of fellow-runners...the friends who ran most of those races with me.

I ran about twenty half-marathons...mostly the Mini-Marathon held in conjunction with the Indy 500 auto race in May.  For a few years, maybe three or four, I would run the Kentucky Derby Half-Marathon early in May and then the Indy Mini-Marathon in late May (it was originally run on the same weekend as the auto race, but in recent years has been moved to very early in May).  In 2011 I ran my last Mini-Marathon.  The best time I posted in a half-marathon was just a few seconds over 97 minutes.  Not great, but not bad for me.  The worst time I ever posted was...well, there were some bad times I posted.

I used to run.

It is not unusual these days to see stickers on the rear-windows of vehicles that read either 26.2 or 13.1.  Those stickers suggest someone in the vehicle runs either Marathons (26.2 miles) or Half-Marathons (13.1 miles).

I saw this rear-window sticker on a car in Bloomington about two weeks ago:

That's my sticker!  I used to run.  I don't run anymore.

I don't.  I don't because my knees ache too much after even a few yards of running.

BTW, here are some more things that I don't:
~I don't wear socks unless I really have to.
~I don't eat green beans.
~I don't pay attention at all to total nutsos trying to defend the unregulated access to guns in this country...folks like Wayne LaPierre and Ted Nugent.
~I don't look when I am given a shot or have blood drawn...too big a chance that I will pass out.
~I don't read romance novels.
~I don't like being sick.
~I don't play Bridge.
~I don't know why on earth some folks are so against gay and lesbian couples being allowed to marry.
~I don't understand why so much really silly religious stuff is written and spoken; and believed.
~I don't want to face the morning without several cups of coffee.
~I don't enjoy snow near as much as I once did.
~I don't like birds crapping on my car.

And, did I mention, I don't run anymore. 

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