Saturday, May 11, 2013

I am...You are.

I probably invest more time in FaceBook that I should...often discovering there some very strange interpretations of what is supposed to be a Loving Creator and a Graceful God.  And I confess to reading some really frightening fundamentalist Christian material every now and then.  And I sneak a peek at some of the trashy stuff that passes as religious television, and sneak a listen to some of the trashy stuff that passes as religious radio, more often than is prudent.

I am sorry that folks are subjected to that stuff.  I am even more sorry that some folks believe that stuff.

Here is a t-shirt with a scary message:

In my faith tradition, God (in the person of Jesus) did say "I am" in a variety of ways...but never once said anything like the message on the t-shirt above.  Never once said anything close to "I am God and you are beneath me."

"I am Love."  Said that.
"I am Life."  Said that.
"I am With You Always."  Said that.
"I am One with Creator, and You are One with Me."  Said that.
"I am Here to Announce a Kingdom Which is Already in You."  Said that.
"I am Peace."  Said that.
"I am Hope."  Said that.
"I am Never Going to Leave You."  Said that.

Well, that's the end of this blog-rant.  I just wanted to reaffirm that trash is trash even when its religious trash.

Here's a closing thought:  I am sure you will like it...You are welcome.

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