I thought about it for some time, and finally I did it. It turned out really well, I think. It doesn't take up much space in the living room...and my wife, Pretty Lady, so far tolerates it quite well. So far.
Two big blankets, three kitchen table chairs...that's all it took. It sets on some plush carpet, so flooring was not an issue. I have a small clip-on reading light for times I am in it during evening hours.
That's not my blanket-tent, but its close enough for you to get the idea of what I've got going here in...oops, I almost let my location slip!
Mine is covered in aluminum foil. It took just over five large rolls of the stuff to do the trick.
The aluminum foil is, as you know, applied so that the NSA cannot do any snooping into parts of my life that I would like to remain private.
The NSA (National Security Agency) is supposed to monitor the globe! Seriously, the whole damn globe! It is tasked with collecting, decoding, and translating information and data..."including surveillance of targeted individuals on U.S. soil." And they are sneaky...that's where the aluminum foil comes in handy. The NSA is "authorized to accomplish its mission through clandestine means."
Phone calls. The NSA is listening to everything you say in every call you make or receive. Except for political robo-calls. Even the NSA thinks those things are just stupid.
The same with texts. Or any communication you may engage in using your fancy-schmancy really expensive "phone." They probably do the same with me and my flip-phone, but it doesn't require as many spy-hours as it does with all the "smart" phone folks.
(On October the 23rd, Pope Francis, speaking to prison chaplains said, "No cell is so isolated that it can keep the Lord out." He probably could have gone on to say that, "No cell phone is so private that it can keep the NSA out." And if the Pope could have said it, you know if has to be by-God true!)
Surfing on the computer. Yeah, the NSA is all over that. Think about how the sites you visit play-out among a bunch of spy-types in a bunkered headquarters building, ten stories underground just outside the belt-way. That's why I bought the aluminum foil.
I am considering a hot plate and small coffee maker for my blanket-tent. That way the NSA won't be able to monitor how much not-good-for-me food I eat, and how many gallons of Starbucks coffee I drink in a day.
My aluminum foil covered blanket-tent also repels any spy-rays that are beamed into my house from those drones that appear in my backyard every Tuesday and Saturday.
It used to be fairly easy to detect spies, back in the good old days of "Bond. James Bond." But nowadays the NSA is all in to that "clandestine" thing. And they are taking the "whole damn globe" thing way too serious, also.
So, I got me a blanket-tent. Aluminum foil covered. I wasn't born yesterday, ya know. (And I'm not sayin' exactly when I was born...that would make it too easy for them.")