Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Taking the Golf Clubs out of the Car...

First off, I don't own a car.  I own an SUV.  Secondly, I don't know what the name is for the storage area in an SUV.  In a car, its a trunk.  I still call the storage area of my vehicle a trunk...but maybe its more correctly the way-back.  My struggle with that whole storage area and type of vehicle was resolved by just giving this rant the title, "Taking the Golf Clubs out of the Car."

That's the model and color of vehicle I own. 

During much of the year...roughly April thru October...I keep my golf clubs in my SUV.  I only play golf, on average, once a week during this time but just having those clubs with me wherever I travel opens the possibility that I might find a way to sneak off and play 9 or 18 holes.

Those are not my golf clubs.  And that is not my golf bag.  My clubs are specially crafted for "senior" players...a different type of flex in the composite shaft, and maybe even a more forgiving "sweet spot" on the club-head.  (Trust me, I need all the age-appropriate help I can get with this crazy sport.)

My golf bag is quite old...and is close to needing replacement.  It also is blue and gold, and has Notre Dame logo on it.

This is what I will be giving up until about next April.  Sigh. 

The weather has turned cold here at the northern border of Southern Indiana.  Snow flurries are in the weather forecast.  It was 31 degrees outside when I woke up this morning.

Its just a seasonal thing, I guess...the clubs will be back in the Honda soon enough.  But it got me to wondering about all the things we set aside over a lifetime.

Activities...you can think of many that are abandoned as the aging body can no longer do what it used to do.

People...the ones that are left behind because of graduating from school, moving to a new place, getting a new job, divorce, death, a "falling-out."

Beliefs...about how the world operates, how life is constructed, what is "right" and what is "wrong," the role of religion and faith in the business of living day-to-day.  (I have said and written many, many times that, "There comes a time to stop believing the unbelievable.")

Memberships and Associations...with groups, organizations, and causes that once were important to you, but now are not. 

But golf.  Oh my, golf is about to be set aside for another winter...with the hope and expectation that it will be back in the spring.  There are some very important things in our lives that need to be seasonal.  They remain important in our lives exactly because they on-purpose show up again and again.


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