Thursday, April 19, 2012

School House Rock..

Remember that cartoon, "School House Rock?" Great teaching and learning tool from back in the day. I remember taking my daughter to see a live version of the best of that show which was staged at Vincennes High School...she loved it. Of course, when she got a bit older, she denied liking it as much as she did when we experienced it. Such are the rules of kid-life.

School House Rock: The interesting dissonance between my school-years and my childrens' school-years. School House Rock: An angst-producing time of life that can cause serious rift between parent and child.

This is where I went to High School. New Carlisle (Indiana) High School. We were the Tigers. Great times, those were: 1959-63.

This is where we used to hang out when we weren't in school. The Soda Bar. Classy, huh?

I am positive that my parents thought my school, and my hang-out, and my social circle (pretty sure we used to just call that "our friends") were not up to the standards of their back-in-the-day school, and hang-out, and social circle. I'm positive about that because they told me so.

Way back in 1959-63, the School House Rock played on. We thought it was the best of times; our parents, not so much. We had TV to ruin us; they didn't. We had Elvis to seduce us; they didn't. We had more opportunities to "mix" with the opposite sex; they didn't.

I don't remember having those kinds of thoughts about my (now in their 40s) sons and their school-time. Maybe because their "time" didn't seem all that different from my "time." Still, I am sure that if you were to ask them about their dad's angst during those days, you would conclude that the School House Rock played on. Maybe I just don't remember way-back-then as clearly as I ought.

But, my daughter is in 7th grade, headed for High School soon. I am here to tell you, that with what I think is very good reason, School House Rock is getting quite rocky, indeed.
Sure would be nice to go back to that night in Vincennes High School when both dad and daughter were enjoying an idealized version of what life would always be like.
School House Rock. Yeah, no thanks!

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