Monday, April 2, 2012

Too Much Open Mouth...

Ever been told to "shut up"?
Ever had someone, while you were in mid-sentence, put their index finger to their puckered lips and go, "Shhhh"?
Ever done those things to others?
Ever wanted to?

I am a "yes" to all of those things. My guess is that you are, too.
And there were times when that was good advice...on their part, and on my part.

"Open mouth - insert foot." That's a phrase that comes close to where I am going in this posting. I sometimes say things that ought not be said...or at least ought not be said in the place and time I am saying them.
Of course, once those things are said, they are said. And everything I say later can never un-say what originally came out of my mouth.

What we say does matter. That's pretty clearly the truth. What we say often times confirms just exactly what is going on inside us, even though we like to think that it is not going on inside us.

Ralph Waldo Emerson said that, "People seem not to see that their opinion of the world is a confession of character." Our opinions, spoken out loud do reveal much of our character's make-up and content.

"With the mouth we make confession..." Ouch, sometimes that confession ain't too nice...ain't too pretty...ain't what we actually intended.

Sometimes there's just a little too much open mouth. Sometimes its mine.

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