Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Still a Wonderment...

In Iowa a billboard had been designed that pictured US President Obama, Germany's Hitler, and Russia's Lenin. The three were listed as equals: equals in the evil of socialism. Its shocking to see pictures of that billboard, evidently even so for some members of the Tea Party group that paid for the ad.
It brings up the question once again about our commitment in this country to freedom of speech, freedom of expression. I am strongly in favor of that right...even though sometimes it is a wonderment to me what some folks are willing to "speak" and "express." Perhaps they feel the same about some of my speech or expression.
I write these observations about the billboard in the past tense because even as I began to blog about this matter, I was made aware that the billboard had been taken down. I like that those behind the billboard responded to what must have been considerable pressure to remove it from the side of the highway. But their message did get out, and I have little doubt their beliefs are still held.
I wonder what test to my commitment to our right to free speech and expression will come along next.