Monday, July 29, 2019

Random Thoughts on Life

Ah yes, The Meaning of Life.

A noble quest…

A daunting task…

Certainly The Meaning of Life

has to be more than

all we are chasing and

all that’s chasing us.

It’s not about bombast and lies…

What it's about is character and values.

It’s not about fomenting fear and division…

What it's about is recognizing 

diversity and community as strengths

The Meaning of Life is certainly

not how we look or

what we own or

what we know.

According to the wisdom 
of persons
we consider the great

teachers and sages of 
both then and now…

The Meaning of Life 
just could be about

The person I am becoming and

The people all of us together
 are becoming…
 The Oneness we all participate in…
 practicing the essence of love
 that is within us…
 recognizing the soul that 
Our Creator has placed within us…

Each and All.

Life is tough…so

Lean on people when you need to…

Accept who you are but
 don’t be afraid to change…

Dwell on the positive and
 do not shy away from risk.

Life is complicated…so

Let joy take the lead, not fear…

Do not confuse making a living
 with making a life…

See The Light in yourself 
and in others.

Always remember that

The only thing about faith that matters
 is that it finds expression thru love…

The healthiest thing you can do every
day is stay in touch with your soul…

The room you leave for surprises 
is the room you have to grow in.

Life is tough…
Life is complicated…
Grace is amazing…

And Grace always bats last!

Life is long or life is short…

Time passes…

Clocks and Calendars keep 
on turning.

Relationships and Experiences

come and go, or

come and stay.

Time, Relationships, and Experiences

can be important and 
full of meaning, or

they can be empty and meaningless.

Life can be dark or full of light, or

more likely intermittent 
periods of shade and shadow

and then brief and bright 
bursts of clarity.

Be awake…

Be aware…

Be open…

And pay very close attention.

What you make of

Time, Relationships, and Experiences

is very important…

maybe the most important thing.

Some days we are afraid…

and wish it were not so.

Some days we have doubts…

and wish they could be put to rest.

When we are honest with ourselves, 
we know that we are not really free…

and wish all the chains that hold us 
could be broken.

And yet…

In our fears and doubts…

in our lack of total freedom…

A Presence walks with us…

comforts us…

understands us…

offers us peace and grace.

We are thankful that The Presence 
is as close as the air we breathe…

as real as the life we live.

We know that
We have failed at loving and living…

Our hands are not clean…

nor are our hearts.

And yet…

In our failings, and in our uncleanness…

A Presence walks with us…

comforts us…

understands us…

offers us peace and grace. 

We are thankful that The Presence 
is as close as the air we breathe…

as real as the life we live.

And Life goes on...
And it does have meaning.

Monday, May 13, 2019

From Me to Me...

We've all seen them...
Those articles and social media memes about "What we would tell our younger self...if only we could."
Some of them are very interesting and quite instructive...
Others are appropriately funny...
A few are just nonsense.

A quick Google search produced the following:
"45 Pieces of Advice I Would Include In A Letter To My Younger Self"
"52 Things I Wish I Could Tell My Younger Self"
"19 Radical Truths I Wish I Could Tell My Younger Self"
"6 Life-Lessons I'd Tell My Younger Self"
"17 Pieces of Advice For Your Younger Self"
"5 Huge Life Lessons I Wish I Could Tell My Younger Self"
"25 Stories I Would Tell My Younger Self"

I took the time to read all of those lists...there are some really good life-lessons found therein.


Seems like a whole lotta people have a whole lotta stuff to pass on to their younger self. And, of course, that's impossible!


Too bad. Being smarter and more aware would be really...Really...helpful in our younger years. Then again, if we knew it all as youngsters we wouldn't have much to learn as the slow parade of the rest of our years passed us by.

My number started out as 18.
Then it grew by an additional 13.
An recently it increased by 2.
33. My number is 33.
33 things that, at age 74, I wish I had known (and understood) many years ago.

Full Disclosure...The original list of 18 was something I put together for presentation to three different groups as I prepared to retire after 41 years of pastoral ministry. Several of the 18 dealt with religion/faith/church matters...but I re-thought them realizing that they were applicable to much more of life than just the (too often) narrow view of religion/faith/church.
The second 13 were some things I wanted to pass on to my daughter as she set off on her own adult life.
And the final 2 items were added during this highly-charged and severely-divided time we live in post-2016 election.
Lastly, some of these items have appeared in other blog-postings I have offered.

If I now know these 33 things at the ripe old age of 74...I also am aware that learning them over time has been important. Sometimes the learning was gentle, sometimes harsh. Sometimes slow, sometimes fast. Sometimes a blessing, sometimes hellish.

Oh...and as I learned from reading the seven lists cited above, and from fine-tuning my own list, these things are highly personal...revealing the life-lessons learned in an individual life lived in a specific time and place. Some of the learnings can be universal and instructive for others, but really they apply mostly to the younger and older versions of the person making the list. To the degree they display gained knowledge and maturity they are instructive for others.

  Here they are: 18+13+2...

18 Things...

1. You don’t need to know every detail to succeed.

2. Don’t live in the future…or the past.

3. Don’t set unrealistic expectations. 

(Your dream will not match reality every time out.

Not every experience will be what you thought it would be during the planning stage.

Hardly any details about anything will be revealed “in prayer.”

Every rose has thorns.

People will disappoint you.)

4. There’s more than one way to do just about anything.

5. Stop all-or-nothing thinking.

(Thoughts like:

You’re successful or you’re a failure.

You’re skinny or you’re fat.

It is only black or white.

If you don’t follow this path, you are wrong.

If I quit my job because I hate it, I’m a failure.

If you make a mistake, you’re out of my life.

I have to make $X per year, or I am not successful.)

6. It’s okay to be a lone wolf sometimes.

7. (Some) People change.

(The point is that when people change, you need to let them discover whether it’s right for them or not.  If it isn’t, they’ll change back.  
If it is, you’ll have given them the opportunity and the space to become someone that they’re happier being.)

8. (Some) People do not change.

(Whiny people go on being whiny. Smug people go on being smug.  Kind people go on being kind. Some people never change.)

9. Don’t settle.

(Don’t settle for skimming the surface of life.  All the good stuff is below that.)

10. It’s important to Never Forget Who You Are
(We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be – Kurt Vonnegut)

11. People are capable of both great humility and great arrogance.

12. People can be incredible liars.

13. The Universe is a tough place.

14. You will be betrayed.

15. Just about everything is political.

16. You can change the things that you can change…but you will have to work at it; and it may not happen over-night.

17. A healthy and living theology leaves room for our changing understanding of God…and God’s continuing revelation.

18. For many of us, the clearest revelation of God is the person of Jesus of Nazareth, but that life is not the only revelation of God. Not even close.

Plus 13 More...

19. To do something, you’ve got to start at the beginning.

(To build something you’ve got to start from the bottom up.)
20. Being afraid serves an important purpose.

Being brave serves a more important purpose.

(There are lessons to be learned from both fear and bravery.)
21. The big picture is nothing other than many smaller pictures brought together.

(Be sure to notice the smaller pictures.)

22. The truth is the truth no matter who speaks it.

23. If it doesn’t look like love, no amount of words can make it otherwise.

24. If someone demands your silence, leave.

25. You never really know what you think you know…until you do know.
26. If something makes you uncomfortable, try looking at it differently.
If it still makes you uncomfortable, leave it alone.
27. If you find yourself hemmed-in, boxed-in, or trapped, do whatever it takes to break free.
28. Listen to your inner voice.
(Learn from what hurts you.
Learn from what heals you.)
29. Read good books. Often.
30 Its only “Good Advice” if it points to the truth.

31. Learn to listen to and understand the Language of Silence.

And 2 more...

32. ”Illigitimi no corborundum"--Don't let the bastards grind you down.

33. The powers that be never want to change…why would they?

Monday, April 15, 2019

Just One Week...

What a difference a day makes...and that is so very true.
So very true.

And what a difference a week can make...
Highs and Lows...
Friends and Enemies...
Life Before and Life After...
Some would say Ever After.

Here are some thoughts from Sunday
And Thursday
And Friday
And Sunday again.

What a week…

Holy Week they call it.

An impromptu parade…

Cheering and palm-branch waving…

High hopes and higher expectations.

A final meal shared by friends…

A new commandment given:

Just Love One Another!

And then all hell breaks loose.

Betrayal by a friend…

Brutality by the powerful…

The religious authorities and

The machinery of government

Enforce the dirty deed…

A death will quiet the mob, and

Satisfy the holy assembly, and so

A death it shall be!

On Sunday a parade…

On Friday a public lynching.

And the man says
“It is finished.”

And on Saturday all seems quiet…

But maybe not so much…

Because according to nothing other

And nothing less

Than faith…

The story may not be over.

Always beware of the mob

That waves the flags of

Regime and Religion


No good can come from that…

Beware, and keep the faith…

The story may not be over.

What a week!

But just wait…

There’s another Sunday coming.

A Thursday evening for friends
To share food and drink and conversation...
A meaningful meal...
A Last Supper, even.
Maundy is the word we use
From Mandatum...
Which means Commandment.
Some wine and some bread
Enlarged in meaning to include
Life shared...
Life given and received...
Memories for all lifetimes yet to come...
As often as you do this
Feet washed and dried...
The dust of life before wiped away...
And the New Commandment for life ahead offered
Love One Another.
And then the darkness of the night deepens...
A life is betrayed with a kiss.
The leaders of State and Religion are in charge now.

And evil plays out.
Enough blame to go around...
State and Religion
One of the man's closest friends and the crowd-turned-mob.
And for the man...
A Place that feels like its somewhere between life and death.

An Empty Place where life is hollow and thin.

An Overwhelming Place…

Hectic, and hellish, and unmanageable. 

A Damnable Place where everything life can throw
Arrives in full and without end.
A Nowhere Place where 
life folds back in on itself...
Sucks the fire from the soul and the joy from the heart.

My God, My God
Is there still hope...
Surely there is still hope
Hope in the goodness of God...
that we are never separated from the love and
The redemption of God...
that we are not so flawed, or so defective
Or so not-good-enough that God has abandoned us
Even in the worst that life has to offer.
Even when the Place we find ourselves feels like
It is somewhere between life and death.

Death finally comes...
The man's body is laid in an offered garden tomb.

It’s early Sunday morning and

The women arrive at the tomb and

Find it empty.

That is how the earliest version of
The First Important Story of The Church ends…

Abruptly disarming and  

Troubling in its lack of closure and

Asking us to hold in tension

Contradictory raw emotions and

Mold them into A Profound Mystery and

Leaving us with the expectation 

That we might just run into 

This Resurrected Presence 

Anywhere and any time and

Inviting us to believe that

Love is stronger and longer than death and

Light will overcome the darkness

Any time and any place and

Every time and every place and

Neither the State nor the Church 

Can ever control the Human Spirit. And

Every-now-and-then and

Especially on a day like this…

The First Important Story of The Church 

Becomes Our Important Story, too.
Life goes on and

It is better than before.

Sunday, March 31, 2019

Some Lessons of Silence...

Since my retirement in June of 2015, we have been primarily attending a Quaker Meeting.
As you might guess, there are extended periods of silence in a Sunday morning Friends worship service. It takes some getting used to. I'm still learning...

Learning Some Lessons of Silence.

I asked some friends what lessons they had learned from silence.
They offered up some good answers:
-I am small, yet not insignificant.
-Silence is golden. (
Let is all share in the wealth.)
Silence is not golden in the face of evil.
Silence allows me to hear God.
Silence forces me to look inward and allows me to touch the core of my blessings.
Silence is the element in which great things fashion themselves together.
Silence asks nothing of me, but itself.

For 41 years, from 1974 till 2015, I was a United Methodist minister…and in United Methodist worship…for the most part…silence is deadly. Even times of silent prayer are very brief, at least by Quaker standards.

And for ten years beginning in the mid-1970s I co-hosted a weekly half-hour television show…and on television programs…silence is deadly. Our Director always got anxious and gave us the high-sign to keep it rolling whenever there was a dead-spot during taping.

And for five years in the 1980s I hosted a weekly radio program…and in radio…silence is deadly. I was told many times not to let there be dead-space during my half-hour program. So I played soft jazz and offered my observations on daily life...with no silence.

And for three years in the late 1990s I taught philosophy and religion classes for the Vincennes University extension in Indianapolis. My job was to lead students in the exploration of those subjects...mostly through lectures and class discussions. Silence on my part would not have gotten the job done.

So the Friends Meeting is introducing me to the other side of silence…the side that isn’t deadly.

Ram Dass, the author and spiritual teacher says this: "The quieter you become, the more you hear."

In the Bible…the 46th Psalm to be exact…there is this:
“Be still and know that I am God.”

We’ve all heard that phrase…many times over.
"Be still, and know that I am God.”

Be still...and know.
In his Nobel Prize acceptance speech, the Irish poet, playwright, and translator, Seamus Heaney, said this:

“The true and durable path into and through experience involves being true to the actual givens of your lives. True to your own solitude, true to your own secret knowledge. Because oddly enough, it is that intimate, deeply personal knowledge 
that links us most vitally 
and keeps us most reliably connected to one another.”

"True to your own solitude, true to your own secret knowledge."

All of the above leads me to affirm that there are times...important life when
Silence is just what the doctor ordered...
Silence is good for what ails us.

And this:
In the delicate dance

Of Hopes and Dreams…

Of Fears and Anxieties…

Of Courage, Wisdom, and Calm…

Of Life, Death, Tragedy, and Loss…

Of Celebration and Sorrow…

Of Passion, Anger, and Emptiness…

In all of this and more

The Creator  can be known in the

Language of Silence.

In the secrets we ponder as to

How Love grows, and

Where Grace flows, and 

The darkness and 

The Light that overcomes it, and

What keeps the Life Blood flowing, and

How the Spirit whispers to the Soul, and

All things Bright and Beautiful…

In all of this and more

The Creator can be known in the

Language of Silence.

Do this:

Be silent.

“Be still and know…”

(Thanks to friends Charles Wilfong, Karen Roberts, Ronnie Robinson, Allen Wilson, P.T. Wilson, Dan Carpenter, and John Riggs for some of the thoughts in the post.)

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Deja Vu...

I am confident that some, if not the majority, of what will appear a post made in March of 2019...has appeared in other of my posts over the ten years I have been doing this blog-thing.

Hence, Deja Vu.  Or, as Yogi Berra famously said...
Here are some one-liners that I have believed are true...and continue to believe are true.

-By taking a new path, we will find new possibilities.
-In the midst of every-day life, we will find God.
-We are more than do.

-Every life takes great courage to live.
-That the most important things in life aren’t figured out, measured, or spelled out in concepts and propositions.
-It's not where we stand that’s most important, it's what direction we’re moving.
-Celebrate Diversity not Division

 Opportunity not Opposition

 Advantages not Adversaries.
-It’s okay to be a lone wolf sometimes.
-You don’t need to know every detail to succeed.
-Don’t settle for skimming the surface of life.  All the good stuff is below that.
-A healthy and living theology leaves room for our changing understanding of God…and God’s continuing revelation.
-To do something, you’ve got to start at the beginning.

-The big picture is nothing other than many smaller pictures brought together.

-You never really know what you think you know…until you do know.
-The powers that be never want to change.
-It's only “Good Advice” if it points to the truth.
-There’s more than one way to do just about anything.
-Always be aware of your surroundings…and who you are surrounding yourself with.
-You can change the things that you can change…but you will have to work at it; and it may not happen over-night.
-There are lessons to be learned from both fear and bravery.
-When you lose, don’t lose the lesson.
-Learn the rules so you know how to break them properly.
-The truth is the truth no matter who speaks it.
-If it doesn’t look like love, no amount of words can make it otherwise.
-Consider how hard it is to change yourself and you’ll understand what little chance you have in trying to change others.
-You only really know where you are going when you get there.
-If something makes you uncomfortable, try looking at it differently.
If it still makes you uncomfortable, leave it alone.
-To do something, you’ve got to start at the beginning.

-Silence is sometimes the best answer.
-The best relationship is one in which your love for each other exceeds your need for each other.
-Anyone not willing to risk is not really willing to live.

-It's important to find ourselves in harmony with God’s activity in the world.
-We either get better or get worse…and it's always the right thing to choose getting better.
-Whatever there is of God and God's Kingdom does not come from beyond nor from the long, long is already within us; there for the taking, if we so choose.

So there it is. There they are.
Some one-liners that I have believed are true...and continue to believe are true.

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

The Choice

We all make a choice.
Not a few of us...
Not some of us...
Not even almost all of us.
We ALL make a choice.

Carl Jung said this about the matter of choice:
I am not what has happened to me.
I am what I choose to become.
Many of us, I suspect

Live most days somewhere

Between Hope and The Abyss.
Too frozen to make a choice:
Letting the choice choose us.
We’ve had too many 

Sad and deflating choices to make...
Choices that brought Pains, Injuries, Exhaustion…

Break-ups and Break-downs…

Lost Loves, Lost Friendships

Lost Jobs and Homes

Lost Health, and even a little
 Lost Sanity.

We know for a fact that it is

More likely for Life

To be unfair than fair.

We have many Dreams but

Not enough Goals.

Hope tugs us in one way, and

The Abyss calls us in the other…

Too often…almost daily it seems.

And yet…

We are in control.

And so…

Starting here and starting now

Let us choose Hope.

Well, because…

God stands waiting where Hope is the choice...
Ready and Willing to share 
with us
The unforced rhythms of Grace.
We are not what happens to us...
We are what we choose to become.