Monday, August 22, 2016

Stuff...and Maybe Doing Something With It.

Some stuff in this life is perplexing. Confounding. Strange...really strange.
Some stuff doesn't seem to make sense.  In fact, some stuff doesn't make sense.
Actually "stuff" is just another way to say a less-acceptable-in-common-discourse word that has four letters and also begins with "s."

When I was still preaching and would want to hone in on the really bad stuff in life, I would use the word "stuff," but pronounce it with an emphasis on the first letter and then slowly pronounce the "tuff" part of the word. People knew what I meant in using that word...and they also knew what word I was really reaching for...and they knew what "stuff" felt like when it happened to them.
In-Between now and then…Stuff happens.
In-Between here and there…Stuff happens.
In-Between more and less…Stuff happens.
In-Between sickness and wellness…Stuff happens.
In-Between presence and abandonment...Stuff happens.
In-Between good and bad…Stuff happens.

In-Between right and wrong…Stuff happens.
In-Between peace and conflict…Stuff happens.
In-Between joy and sorrow…
Stuff happens.
In-Between me and you…Stuff happens.
In-Between them and us…
Stuff happens.
In-Between an old year and a new year…Stuff happens.

Seems like we live most of our lives in that In-Between time.
Where all the stuff happens.

Time is too slow for those of us who wait…and 

Its is too swift for those of us who fear.


Time is too long for those of us who grieve…and

Its is too short for those of us who rejoice.

In-Between…is one of the most gnarly, dark places in life because we aren’t fully here,
and we aren’t fully there…
We’re somewhere In-Between.
Where all the stuff happens.

But...who knows,
the In-Between time, where all the stuff happens,  could turn out to be a good time.
When the stuff happens, maybe...
It could be a time to finally let go of whatever is holding us back.

It could be a time to stop hiding and pretending.
-a time to to make amends.
-a time to say what needs to be said.

It could be a time to do the thing we think we cannot do.

It could be a time for a new relationship with ourselves.

It could be a time to walk away…from stuff.

   -a time to express what we most deeply feel.
-a time to make peace with our past.

   -a time to take a stand.

   -a time to start over again.

   -a time to act on our passion.

   -a time to break our silence.

It could be a time to finally ask for help and support.

It could be a time for creating the life we really desire.

   -a time for establishing boundaries.

   -a time to stop saying we can’t.

   -a time to declare what truly matters in life
   -a time to stop making excuses.

The in-between time could be a time to be honest with ourselves.

   -a time to think for ourselves.
-a time to follow our own path.

   -a time to listen to our own heart.

   -a time to live our own life.

Maybe the next time...when stuff happens...we could start doing something with it by calling it what it is, and moving on.
Because as every one of us knows: Shit Happens.