Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Deja Vu...

I am confident that some, if not the majority, of what will appear a post made in March of 2019...has appeared in other of my posts over the ten years I have been doing this blog-thing.

Hence, Deja Vu.  Or, as Yogi Berra famously said...
Here are some one-liners that I have believed are true...and continue to believe are true.

-By taking a new path, we will find new possibilities.
-In the midst of every-day life, we will find God.
-We are more than do.

-Every life takes great courage to live.
-That the most important things in life aren’t figured out, measured, or spelled out in concepts and propositions.
-It's not where we stand that’s most important, it's what direction we’re moving.
-Celebrate Diversity not Division

 Opportunity not Opposition

 Advantages not Adversaries.
-It’s okay to be a lone wolf sometimes.
-You don’t need to know every detail to succeed.
-Don’t settle for skimming the surface of life.  All the good stuff is below that.
-A healthy and living theology leaves room for our changing understanding of God…and God’s continuing revelation.
-To do something, you’ve got to start at the beginning.

-The big picture is nothing other than many smaller pictures brought together.

-You never really know what you think you know…until you do know.
-The powers that be never want to change.
-It's only “Good Advice” if it points to the truth.
-There’s more than one way to do just about anything.
-Always be aware of your surroundings…and who you are surrounding yourself with.
-You can change the things that you can change…but you will have to work at it; and it may not happen over-night.
-There are lessons to be learned from both fear and bravery.
-When you lose, don’t lose the lesson.
-Learn the rules so you know how to break them properly.
-The truth is the truth no matter who speaks it.
-If it doesn’t look like love, no amount of words can make it otherwise.
-Consider how hard it is to change yourself and you’ll understand what little chance you have in trying to change others.
-You only really know where you are going when you get there.
-If something makes you uncomfortable, try looking at it differently.
If it still makes you uncomfortable, leave it alone.
-To do something, you’ve got to start at the beginning.

-Silence is sometimes the best answer.
-The best relationship is one in which your love for each other exceeds your need for each other.
-Anyone not willing to risk is not really willing to live.

-It's important to find ourselves in harmony with God’s activity in the world.
-We either get better or get worse…and it's always the right thing to choose getting better.
-Whatever there is of God and God's Kingdom does not come from beyond nor from the long, long is already within us; there for the taking, if we so choose.

So there it is. There they are.
Some one-liners that I have believed are true...and continue to believe are true.

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